
September 9, 2020 • Read: 1276 • 其他杂类阅读设置

0x01 格式化位置库

  • 依赖环境

    brew install perl cpanm
    cpanm MaxMind::DB::Writer IP::QQWry::Decoded IP::QQWry::Dumper
  • dat转换mmdb格式脚本

    #!/usr/bin/env perl
    use lib 'lib';
    use utf8;
    binmode STDOUT, "encoding(UTF-8)";
    use strict;
    use warnings FATAL => 'all';
    use IP::QQWry::Dumper;
    use MaxMind::DB::Writer::Tree;
    use feature qw(say);
    my $qqwry_file = $ARGV[0] // $ENV{IPDB_QQWRY_PATH};
    die "The path to the file must be given, or set to the environment variable IPDB_QQWRY_PATH" unless $qqwry_file;
    my $qqwry = IP::QQWry::Dumper->new($qqwry_file);
    # document
    my %types = (
      country => 'map',
      city    => 'map',
      names   => 'map',
      en      => 'utf8_string'
    my $tree = MaxMind::DB::Writer::Tree->new(
      ip_version               => 4,
      record_size              => 28,
      database_type            => 'QQWry-Data',
      languages                => [ 'en', 'zh-CN' ],
      description              => {
          en      => 'QQWry database',
          'zh-CN' => ($qqwry->db_version() // "") . " CZ88.NET",
      map_key_type_callback    => sub {$types{ $_[0] }},
      remove_reserved_networks => 1, #为 1 时删除私网网段内的IP记录,为 0 则保留
    $qqwry->iterate(sub {
      my ($idx, $sip, $eip, $base, $ext) = @_;
      #wireshark 只读取 city.names.en 与 country.names.en 这两组数据
      $tree->insert_range($sip, $eip, {
          city    => {
              names => {
                  en => $base
          country => {
              names => {
                  en => $ext
      # if ($sip eq $eip) {
      #     say join ' ', ($idx, $sip, $base, $ext);
      # }
      # if ($idx > 10000) {
      #     # iterator will stop if we return 0
      #     return 0;
      # }
      return 1;
    # $tree->insert_range("", "", {
    #     city    => {
    #         names => {
    #             en => "众里寻她千百度,蓦然回首阑珊处"
    #         }
    #     },
    #     country => {
    #         names => {
    #             en => "就是您"
    #         }
    #     }
    # });
    # Write the database to disk.
    my $dbfile = 'qqwry.mmdb';
    open(my $fh, '>:raw', $dbfile);
    close $fh or die "Close file $dbfile: $!";
    print "$dbfile has now been created\n";
  • 位置库格式化

    perl qqwry.dat

0x02 配置wireshark

0x03 参考引用

为 Wireshark 能使用纯真网络 IP 数据库(QQwry)而提供的格式转换工具

---The END---
  • 文章标题:《Wireshark配置地理位置库》
  • 文章作者:Coco413
  • 文章链接:
  • 版权声明:本文为原创文章,仅代表个人观点,内容采用《署名-非商业性使用-相同方式共享 4.0 国际》进行许可,转载请注明出处。
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